Nature Quest
The Big Clean Up

We’ve only got one planet, so let’s look after it. If everyone did something, it would add up to something big.
Litter remains a real problem for our wild places – whether this be the local park, roadside verges or even national dams (Lake Chivero). And these places are nature’s home. Imagine if someone threw coffee cups, takeaway wrappers and tin cans in your bedroom?
Get to work now and clean-up your patch. Many hands make light work and you’ll be amazed at the difference you can make (and nature will be eternally grateful).
Did you know plastic bags we use in our everyday life take 10-20 years to decompose, while plastic bottles take 450 years to decompose?
Your local council and the Environmental Management Agency (EMA) may provide equipment so do get in touch with them.
Here are some litter picking essentials:
- Bin liners
- Gloves
- Litter pickers
Decide whether you’re cleaning up your school grounds or further afield. Make sure you have the owner’s permission to do so – most people will be delighted that you want to help but always check first. Then, all that’s left to do is to get out there!
Alternative sites in Harare where you could do this activity:
Lake Chivero – Illegal fish poachers at Lake Chivero are abandoning their used nets in the Lake and this is resulting in the water being polluted and biodiversity (fish, birds, crabs etc) being trapped and dying.

Un-nature Trail
Ideally this game should be played along a short section of hedge or in an area of trees. Place a variety of small objects that cannot usually be found in the area along the agreed length. Hide them to varying degrees and place them at different heights according to the ability of the group. A small mirror angled carefully is a really fun one.
Then ask the children to walk one behind the other in silence secretly counting how many objects they spot. Then go back along the route with them as a group pointing out what they did and didn’t see and why some were more hidden than others – size, shape, colour etc.
Why not join a bigger effort to clean up green spaces, here are some options for you to consider:
- Miracle Missions – Miracle Missions Trust
- First Friday National Clean-up
Don’t forget to email or send us photos/drawings/writing to or to demonstrate you’ve completed this activity.